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Google facts:


➧Google facts:

➧Google was originally named BackRub:

In 1996, Page and Brin collaborated on a pioneering “web crawler” concept curiously called BackRub. Some speculate that the early search engine’s nomenclature was a nod to retrieving backlinks. BackRub, which linked to Brin’s and Page’s '90s-tastic original homepages, lived on Stanford’s servers for more than a year, but eventually chewed up too much bandwidth.

Google is a play on the word “googol.”:

On Sept. 15, 1997, over the BackRub title, Page and Brin registered the domain name of their mushrooming the project as Google, a twist on “googol,” a mathematical term represented by the numeral one followed by 100 zeros. The name hinted at the seemingly an infinite amount of data the brainy pair code them fledgling search engine to mine, make sense of and deliver. Many wondered if Google is a misspelling of 

➧Google started its office from a rented garage:

So stereotypical Silicon Valley startup, right? Starting in September 1998, the company’s first workspace was Susan Wojcicki’s garage on Santa Margarita Ave. in Menlo Park, Calif. Wojcicki, sister of 23andMe founder Anne 

Susan Wojcicki’s garage

Wojcicki is Google employee number 16. She was Google’s first marketing manager and is now the CEO of YouTube. As for the house that built Google, the tech titan bought it because of course, it did. Then it filled the suburban ranch-style dwelling with candy, snacks and lava lamps.

Anne Wojcicki (CEO of Youtube)

➧Google has had a pet-friendly office since the beginning:

One of the company’s earliest employees was a friendly Leonberger named Yoshka, who came to work with his owner, Google’s senior vice president of operations Urs Hoelzle.

 ➧It speaks many languages:

In 2000,French,German,Italian,Swedish, Finnish,Spanish,Portuguese,Dutch,Norwegian and Danish were the first 10 language versions of the site to be available to the public

➧Google image search launched in a big way:

The company rolled out Google Image search in 2001 with a whopping 250 million images for users to peruse. Not bad for day one.

The big G

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